Saturday, February 7, 2009

Film Noir (tough theme)

I had to work hard at this one. Took about 30 shots and this was on the early set. Here and here are 2 others that I liked but did not post tonight. My setup was flash at 1/4 45 degrees camera left. AB400 camera right both shooting slightly behind subject. Foam core for fill light camera left, and I did not crop out as I liked the shadow.



  1. Hey I found Louie! Looks good Lance! Your hard work paid off - you look like a real thug! "Don' mess wit Louie, unless you want a belly full o' lead"

  2. Don't tug on superman's cape,
    Don't spit into the wind,
    Don't tug in the mask of...

    You definitely have the "heavy" figured out.


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