Edit** my last snap of the year is the 2 family's. Dave, Margy, Sheila, Lance, and front row Payne, Kate. Bring on 2010. Many memories over the past year. My dad calling me on my birthday and telling me about my mom's cancer, me getting the Adobe Fellow recipient, our travels down to Oklahoma, My dearest mother passing on to heaven, my inner sole saying move on, my family's health concerns, and my daughters needs. 2009 was filled with good memories and ones I will remember forever but are not memorable. Death happens as stark and sudden as it is, it does not make it any easier, it does not make it any better, it does not make it any more smoother, but it is what it is. I thank you few folks that have commented on my shots over the last 365 days. As others have said, at times it has been a chore and at times it has been a great learning experience. I hope to think it has been more of the latter.I challenge those that read my blog to "pay if forward" Pick a non-profit organization and give. Material is not everything.
I will end with this moving on to the new decade: I am s spiritual man, I know someone somewhere is looking out for me and my family and I wish everyone a happy and healthy 2010.

I wanted something on the books before the day got away from me. I will more than like post another shot but it might not be until tomorrow. I am entering a Photoshop contest and the theme is to create a dvd cover about the tools in photoshop. Here is my first try at it. The image is my daughter and myself put into the cover. This is a progress in the works and will be tweaked throughout the month on Jan.

I wanted something on the books before the day got away from me. I will more than like post another shot but it might not be until tomorrow. I am entering a Photoshop contest and the theme is to create a dvd cover about the tools in photoshop. Here is my first try at it. The image is my daughter and myself put into the cover. This is a progress in the works and will be tweaked throughout the month on Jan.